Monday, December 01, 2008

Thanksgiving shots

We just returned from a trip to Houston for Thanksgiving, visiting Stephen's brother Ryan and his family. They were terrific hosts, even providing just about everything we could need for Keaton.Cate and Keaton's cousin, Quentin.
We've now completed our second plane trip with two kids and I think we've really got this down to a science. You generally get two kinds of looks from people when you're traveling with small children. There's the "gee, aren't they a sweet family with adorable children" look. These are the people who offer to help lift a bag into the overhead bin. The people who pick up the baby's binky when it hits the ground for the hundreth time. The people who come running out of the family restroom when your child leaves her beloved bear behind (true story, thanks to the people in the KCI airport for saving my life).

Then, you have the "please don't let those crazy people with two kids sit anywhere next to me" look. These are the people who either have children and are traveling without them or the people who don't have children at all. They give you dirty looks on the plane when your princess is crying because her ears hurt. They sigh loudly when your kids are whining because they have to wait in line for the bathroom. They may even actually move if you sit next to them in the airport restaurants. We ran into our share of both types, but you really appreciate the former when you've got a million bags, two strollers and a couple of tired kids.

Cate and Keaton actually did very well and I'm proud of them. Keaton just celebrated his six-month birthday and he's been on three plane trips. He's a seasoned traveller now. Cate has her very own Southwest frequent flier number. Happy baby K.Keaton's thankful Thanksgiving pose.

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