Monday, December 31, 2007

Christmas Program Video

I got a couple of video clips from Cate's Christmas program. They are a little fuzzy and very short. The camera was malfunctioning and I still can't figure out what went wrong. I am sure it had nothing to do with the operator. Later this week, I'll have an update on our Christmas celebrations, along with some photos. It's been a crazy couple of weeks.

Cate's Christmas Program

I finally found some time to edit the photos and video from Cate's Christmas program. Each classroom in her day care performs a song and/or a short rhyme. Stephen and I are biased (obviously) but we love the Christmas program because Cate looks so beautiful!

I think she likes it too. Cate likes to get dressed up and she likes to get on stage and sing her songs. In the photo album, there is a photo of her lifting up her dress, as nearly all young girls do when they wear a dress.

Cate's Dance Performance

A few nights ago, Cate was listening to some music that plays on one of her toys. She picked up a small pink flashlight and started doing a little dance performance for Stephen and me. She went on for about half an hour and we loved it! You can tell from the smile on her face how much she loves having our attention for her "performances." We had been playing in the family room all day, so please ignore the mess of toys on the floor in the background :)

I'm a Little Teapot

Cate is quite the performer. She loves to sign and dance. Of course, getting her to perform for the camera is another story. She recently learned the words and corresponding movements for "I'm a Little Teapot." This is a short video of one of the first times she sang it from beginning to end. She is a little distracted toward the end, but I still think it's cute.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

The Ice Storm

This week has turned out to be a little out of the ordinary. We got a fair amount of ice in the area on Monday evening/Tuesday. Lots of people are without power. Luckily, we are not among them. We've got a few big limbs down around our house, but we are basically okay. We were cooped up at home on Tuesday and Wednesday. Work and schools were all closed on Tuesday; just schools on Wednesday.

Adding to the mix, I have the cold that just won't quit. I've been battling it for at least two weeks now and it shows no signs of slowing down. The doctor has given me various medications, but I am not sure they are doing much good. The only thing I know for certain is that I am tired of coughing. Lots of coughing with this cold.

The good news is that we had a prenatal check-up this week and everything seems fine with the baby so far. We are scheduled for a sonogram on January 9. I am counting the days. I am excited to meet our baby for the first time. I remember when we saw Cate, she was trying to suck her thumb but she kept missing her mouth and hitting herself in the head. It was pretty cool. I have a feeling this baby is a boy, but I'm still excited for the sonogram so we can verify that everything looks good health-wise for the baby.

I decided to post another Halloween picture of Cate since I don't have any new photos. This is Cate giving her best witch impersonation.

Her Christmas program got postponed this week, but I should have some wonderful new pics after her program this Monday, the 17th.

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Once a month just won't cut it

So it looks like I am only able to get this blog updated about once a month. I know at least a few people who read it and hopefully you'll forgive me for being constantly behind on so many things!

What's been going on in the Martino household lately? It seems like there is something new every day. Most recently, we've all been sick. Cate has the persistent runny nose and cough that seems to come with being in day care during the winter. Stephen is pretty much over his cough and cold. I've still got a nasty cough and lots of congestion, but hopefully some new medicine this week will help. Cate had a 24-hour bug of some kind last weekend. She threw up (for the first time ever) on Friday evening. It definitely scared her and she doesn't seem eager to do it again. No surprise there. She said, "Mommy, I spilled." She seems to think throwing up is kind of like spilling a cup of juice. On Monday, when she got in the car to go to day care she told me, "Mommy, I no spill again." Poor thing.

Probably the biggest news is that Cate will have a little brother or sister later this spring. Officially, the doctor says we can expect Little Martino #2 on June 2. I haven't been feeling too hot, but hopefully I will get to feeling better now that I am officially out of the first trimester.

In not-so-upbeat news, one of our wiener dogs died on Halloween. We adopted Sam nearly five years ago from the Lawrence Humane Society. He had not been well cared for in his previous life, but we were still surprised that he died so young. He seemed fine recently. We came home the Sunday evening before Halloween and he was coughing, clearly not feeling too great. By Tuesday, the vet was sure he had a heart condition. He was suffering quite a bit, so we made the difficult decision to put him to sleep on that Wednesday. Mallory, our other wiener dog, seems a little sad and has been acting out a bit. Cate is also wondering where Sam has gone. We told her he went to heaven. She often asks about him and says, "Sam went to heaven? Come back?"

We're gearing up for the holidays. The house is decorated, the shopping is nearly done and now we are just enjoying the season. Cate is pretty excited about Christmas trees, Christmas music, decorations and everything that goes along with this time of year. It's fun to see everything through her eyes. She has her day care Christmas program on Monday evening and I am excited to see what they have come up with for this year. It's a 30-40 minute program where each class does one song. It's just perfect for this age group -- not too long, not too short. I will try to take some video and post it here next week.

Happy Holidays!

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Fall Pictures

The leaves are turning and falling everywhere right now. It's a great time to get nice fall photos.

We had some pumpkins on our porch this year and Cate really loved them. A squirrel took a particular interest in one of the pumpkins and managed to eat more than half of it (and it was a big pumpkin!) in about a week's time. Cate was pretty upset and she kept saying, "Mommy, a squirrel ate my pumpkin on the front porch!"

I took this photo a couple of weeks ago before we left the house for church.

Halloween 2007

Cate was a witch this year for Halloween. She didn't understand the concept of dressing up and getting candy before we started the day, but now she gets it! Once she figured out that candy was involved, she was an excellent trick or treater. This was really the first time I have given her candy and I pretty much limited it to Tootsie Rolls.

She liked her costume and she even wore the hat without any complaining. This is a photo that Stephen took at her day care parade.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Cate has mastered jumping -- but just a little over a month ago she was still learning. I took this video the weekend of her birthday. She was jumping over the hose in our front yard.

She loves to read!

Cate really likes to read. I shot this video early in the summer, but I forgot to upload it. I caught her reading her coloring book on the couch.

One last video from vacation

Another video

I have more video of the fire dancers from our hotel in Cozumel. They show was at least half an hour long, so there were lots of good opportunities for video and pictures.

Fire Dancing

Our hotel in Cozumel provided some kind of entertainment each night. One evening, they had a fire dancing show. It was very cool.

Our Vacation to Cozumel

Stephen and I just got back from a week-long trip to Cozumel, Mexico. Cozumel is a small island just south of Cancun. The island is surrounded by one of the largest coral reefs in the world, so it's a prime location for diving and snorkeling. We did a lot of snorkeling in addition to lounging at our hotel, eating some great Mexican food and exploring the island. We had a great time!

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Our Little Star

Cate loves music and she likes to sing. We got video of her tonight performing her rendition of Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

A Photo Shoot at the Park

Cate and I went to the park last Saturday. I struck a deal with her (yes, with my 2-year-old daughter) that she could swing, if I could take her picture. I think I got a good one! I hope everyone likes this because you may see it again --- perhaps on notecards, Christmas cards or gifts for you :)

Cate with the camera

Cate has finally figured out the mystery of the camera. It's practically impossible to get a good picture of her because she recognizes the camera immediately when it comes out. For her birthday weekend, she commandeered the camera and took pictures. She walked around saying "cheese" and "smile" to everyone, while holding the camera. It was very cute (even if it make getting her photo difficult).

When she ran out of people to photograph, she started taking pictures of objects. She would say "cheese table" or "cheese book."

Birthday Update

As usual, I haven't had much time to update anyone on what has been going on with us. The biggest news is Cate's birthday. We had a great birthday weekened with her (August 18 and 19). Our girl now has more books that just about anyone I know. We practically have our own library. She loves to read her books, so it's perfect for her.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Cute Dress

I took some photos of Cate this weekend in her cute pink dress. She does well posing for the camera.

The Horn on the Bus

Cate has learned the "Wheels on the Bus" song at day care. She is particularly animated when beeping the horn on the bus. She can't seem to do the beeping without moving around in a circle.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Marathon Pictures

I don't think I'll win any fashionista awards with my look during our run. These are pictures taken as we were running and one of Stephen at the finish line area.

The weather in San Diego in June is pretty good for running. It's usually overcast in the morning, with the sun coming out late morning or early afternoon. That's what happened for the marathon. The sun came out late morning (probably around mile 13 or 14 for us) and it got pretty warm after that. I think it was in the low 80s. The sunscreen we put on early in the morning was long gone by the time we finished, so we both got a little sunburned.

We finished!

We did it. We finished a marathon. It took a long time, but we made it to the finish line. Here is a picture of us with our medals. Yes, they give you a medal no matter how long it takes you to get to the end. As long as you aren't picked up by the bus for stragglers, you get a finisher's medal.

I think I speak for both of us when I tell you we are glad we did it, but we probably won't do it again.

Thursday, June 07, 2007


Cate is learning how to jump. She can get both feet off the ground now, but in this video, she was still practicing.

Cate's Bubble Dance

Cate likes to sing and dance. Here is a short clip of her Bubble Dance.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

A new slideshow

It has been quite a while since I've had time to work on my photos of Cate. I spent some time recently downloading and editing photos from the last three months.

Cool Slideshows

My little cook

Cate helped with cooking dinner on Sunday evening. I'm not sure who had more fun -- Cate or Mom.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Cate Loves Music

Cate likes to sing and dance. We often hear her singing and clapping in bed in the morning before we go in to get her. The other day, she was singing during dinner. PopPop (Grandpa Martino) encouraged her by singing one of her favorites, Bingo. If you listen at the end, she asks for it again by saying "name-o."

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

A quick Easter pic

Cate was adorable in her Easter dress. She wore white gloves (and a white hat not in this picture)! Even though the gloves were far too big, she insisted on wearing them. It really is fun to have dresses, tights and all the fun that goes with a little girl.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Easter preparations

Easter is just a few days away and I am really bummed about the turn the weather has taken. It's pretty chilly outside at 8:30 this morning --- around 35 degrees. The weather forecast calls for a high of 53 on Easter Sunday. That's not exactly prime egg hunting weather. Regardless, I've got plastic eggs all ready to go for Cate. We've got a complete outfit too (dress, shoes, hat) courtesy of Grandma and Grandpa Martino. I'm sure she will be the best dressed little girl for miles and I'll be busy with the camera.

In case you haven't heard, Kansas passed legislation authorizing expanded gambling in the state. After counties vote to approve it, there may be new destination casinos as well as slot machines at three existing racetracks. Since Stephen's job involves regulating the racetracks, he is a very busy guy at the moment. His job duties will continue to increase over the coming months. Luckily, the Legislature has gone home for a short break, so we are both taking advantage of a little break in the action. They'll back at the end of April to wrap up budget issues. We both have more budget issues before the Legislature, so we'll be busy again for a couple of weeks at the end of April and beginning of May.

We are still training for our marathon in June. We've got about 8 weeks left to train. For about 5 more weeks, we'll keep adding distance to our runs. After that, we'll start to decrease our distance so our bodies are rested for the marathon. It seems hard to believe that we only have about 5 more long runs before we go to San Diego. I think we are both doing well, but I would be happier if warmer weather would return. I was really enjoying the spring/summer temperatures.

Cate is obsessed with blowing bubbles when we get home in the evening. As you can see from the picture, we have to help her with the difference between blowing bubbles and chewing on the bubble wand.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Are we coming or going?

It's been quite a while since I posted anything on our blog. I know it's a lame excuse, but we are meeting ourselves coming and going because we are so busy. A quick recap of our activities lately....

-The 2007 Legislature is still in session and we have both been busy with our work duties related to that. My agency had one rather large issue that languished in conference committee for about two weeks. After many negotiations, the legislation passed, the Governor signed it and we are now implementing new law at work. Stephen is working on legislation related to expanded gaming in Kansas. As executive director of the Racing and Gaming Commission, he supplies a lot of information to legislators and others on this issue. In case you haven't caught any Kansas news lately, expanding gaming is a big issue this year. Last week, the House passed a bill to add destination casinos and slot machines at three dog racing tracks. Even as a write this, the bill is in the Kansas Senate and the Democrats are filibustering on a motion to concur with the bill passed by the House. It's interesting to me, but it's also wearing us both out. Last Friday evening, Stephen was at the Capitol until about 3am. Tonight, I'm sure he will be very late as well.

-Cate is growing and changing each day. We are trying to spend as much time as we can with her. She's so much fun! I've added a couple of pictures here with this post. Her latest interest is ponytails. Several girls at her day care have ponytails and she asked for one too. One of the teachers at day care put her hair in a ponytail one day and now she asks for one just about every day. She doesn't have a lot of hair, so it can be a little tricky to get it to stay in. She's also shown some interest in potty training. We bought a potty chair for her and put it in her bathroom a few weeks back. We don't push it, but we let her sit on it whenever she feels like it. She likes to read books (as you can see from the photo) and sit on the potty chair.

-We are making good progress on our marathon training and fund-raising. We've run 10 miles a few times and we each had a long run of 12 miles. We are running a couple of days during the week -- as much as we can work it in. We have been very lucky to find a class at Washburn that is training for a marathon. They are generous to let us run with the when we can make it. It's nice to have that group available and the instructor has given me some very helpful training tips too. Our fund-raising is going well. We've received many generous donations. We feel so good about every dollar we raise because we know it goes to a great cause. We are working together with other Team in Training participants on a BBQ tomorrow night. We've got a whole bunch of neat things donated for a silent auction. Some local companies donated turkey and pork for the BBQ -- some competition bbq guys locally smoked it for us. There's going to be a band as well. I think it will be a nice event and I hope we can raise a lot of money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.

I think that covers the high points for us lately. Stephen and I will have our fifth wedding anniversary next Friday. We've been together for more than seven years. It's hard to believe.

Enjoying the weather

Cate loves to go outside and blow bubbles. I took this photo this evening while we were outside playing and blowing bubbles.

Reading on "The Chair"

Thursday, March 01, 2007

First Haircut

At 5:15 p.m. today, Cate had her first haircut. She did a great job (plus she looked really cute in her red cape). Bear was also part of our first haircut. Bear goes pretty much everywhere with us these days. He didn't get a haircut, but I think he will get a bath this weekend. That is one dirty bear.

It's all about Daddy!

Cate is like a little parrot - she repeats just about everything we say. She is learning new words every day. This week, her best achievement is "Daddy." She has said "Da" for quite some time, but she just started saying "Daddy" this week. She puts emphasis on the second part so it sounds like "DaDEE" and we think it is very cute. I don't think I will ever get tired of hearing her say Mama or Daddy.

We've had a hectic week. Cate has been sick and we kept her home for two days. I don't have any new pictures or video this week because it's all I can do to stay ahead at work and home.

We are doing pretty well with our marathon training. We've made most of our scheduled runs and we are both improving in our time. Neither of us has any goal in mind for completing our marathon in a certain time frame, but it is nice to see the progress each week as we get faster and more fit. Luckily, the weather has improved recently so we've been able to run outside. We got a little snow this morning so I had to run on the treadmill, but it looks like we'll be back up in the 40s by tomorrow. I've always been a big wimp about running the cold, but it's actually growing on me. I've learned how to layer my clothes so I'm not cold. I definitely prefer running outside in the cold to running inside on the treadmill.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

The Wiener Dogs

We have two wiener dogs at home. Cate has a growing interest in the dogs and she often chases them around saying "pup." She has learned a couple other words that we often use with the dogs -- no and right now. This is a short clip of her saying "right now."

More video clips

We've been working with Cate on learning various names. She knows the names of many of her classmates (and she can even identify their binkies!). She also knows her "cousin Q."

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Cate - The Dance

Cate Martino: The Movie

I decided this week to test my abilities creating a photo slideshow. These are a few photos of Cate from the holidays.

Cool Slideshows

Saturday, February 10, 2007

It's cold in Kansas!

We braved the cold today for our long run outside! It was about 15 degrees, but we bundled up and ran approximately 6.5 miles. It was definitely cold, but it wasn't unbearable once we got going. That's a new cold weather record for both of us.

Stephen is doing great so far. He has found time to run every day that we are scheduled. I missed one run this week because I stretched a tendon in my right foot.

I added an older picture of Cate to

the blog today. Even though it's from October 2006, it seems appropriate since the Jayhawks played today!

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Marathon Update

Stephen and I made it through our first official week of marathon training! We ran 3-4 miles last week on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. We finished out the week with six miles on Saturday and two miles on Sunday. We are both proud that we managed to make the full six miles on Saturday with less than half a mile walking.

We have two big challenges right now: finding the time to run and the weather. We are both very busy at work, so at least one of us has been getting up at 5 a.m. to run. We know that work will stay busy until the legislative session ends in May. In addition, it's very cold so we are confined to our treadmill. Hopefully it will begin to warm up soon so we can get outside.

We have set up another Web page to help us raise money for the Leukemi and Lymphoma Society. It is at:

Cate seems to be getting cuter every day. This week, we've been working with her on the names of her classmates at day care. She knows Jack, Chase and Josh very well. She surprised one of her teachers at school this week by asking for a hug when it was time to leave. Cate puts her arms out and says "hug" -- how can you resist?

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

New words

It's just amazing how children grow and learn in their first few years of life. I can't question the importance of early childhood education after living with a young child. Cate is learning new words every day. Just this morning she said "Oscar" and "work." She's mastering the "sh" sound so we've heard lots of words with that sound lately. Her favorite book at the moment is titled "Splash" and she says that very well.

Friday, January 19, 2007

2007 Goals

I don't like to make resolutions for the new year because they seemed doomed to failure just by nature. Everyone makes resolutions and nearly everyone fails to keep them. So instead, I've set a few goals for myself and our family this year. I'm really trying to be realistic with these goals, in hopes that I will actually come close to achieving them.

1) Bring my lunch to work more and eat fewer meals out. After seeing how much money we spend eating out, I am going to work harder to bring my lunch with me to work. I've also got so many added responsibilities at work that it makes sense to bring my lunch and get work done over the lunch hour. So far, I'm doing well and I've been please with how much I get accomplished during my lunch hour. I'm not banning dining out, but I'm trying to cut back a little. Both Steve and I are working on this. We're also trying to eat more vegetables. I do pretty well with fruit, but I never get enough vegetables. Anyone with good ideas for preparing veggies should send them my way -- I'm on the lookout for new ideas.

2) Get back to exercising. It's hard to squeeze in time for exercise when we've got so many other things going on. But we've already come up with a plan (tenatively) to get us both back to working out on a regular basis.

3) Steve and I are going to run a marathon this year to raise money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. This is through their program, Team in Training. We are going to the kick off meeting for our group on Tuesday night, so we'll meet the other folks we're training with. We are going to run a marathon in San Diego in June. I've heard that only about 1 percent of the population will ever run a marathon, so that pretty much confirms it's a daunting task. But when I think about all the people who couldn't run a marathon if they wanted to, I remember why we are really doing this. We will each raise money for leukemia research (we have to raise about $3,900 each) and we'll train together for the race. I'm sure you'll hear more about this from us soon because we'll be making our plea for donations.

We've had a much quieter week and I'm thankful for that. Cate is learning new words every day. Our favorite this week is "please." She doesn't pronounce the "l" so it sounds more like peeez. It's really cute. She's also learning when to say it so she's saying things like "milk please" and "help please." It seems like just yesterday she was born and now she's saying two word phrases. I can't believe it.

Friday, January 12, 2007

One Crazy Week

Beginning last Thursday, things have been perfectly crazy around our house. Of course if it wasn't crazy, it would be boring so I can't complain too much.

After struggling with a cough for a few weeks, Cate was sent home from day care last Thursday with a fever. We took her to the doctor who quickly determined she had a virus called Fifth's Disease. It's nothing serious, but it takes several days to recover. I'm pretty sure she also had the flu because she threw up too and that's not a common symptom of Fifth's Disease. We spent most of the day Thursday and all day Friday, Saturday and Sunday cooped up at home. I think all three of us were ready to get out on Monday morning.

The Kansas Legislature has begun the annual legislative session, so both Steve and I are now swamped at work. Both our jobs involve a fair amount of contact with the Legislature. As a result, workloads multiply in January and don't get back to normal until the summer. One big issue this year, both at the federal and state level, is the minimum wage. I talked to a reporter this week from the Washington Post and got a small quote in the story. Steve also had some press this week after his legislative testimony.

By Wednesday evening, we discovered a leak under the kitchen sink. I think our garbage disposal is being replaced as I type this post.

To wrap up our exciting week, we thought it might be a good weekend to go to Wichita. Steve needs to visit the Wichita Greyhound Park for work and we can combine some other errands with the trip. Unfortunately, most of the state is under a winter weather advisory as snow and ice come down from Colorado to Missouri. We decided last night to cancel our plans to go to Wichita (Cate had her swimsuit all packed for the hotel pool) and stay close to home.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Animal Sounds

Cate is learning the sounds that all the animals make. She's happy to demonstrate all the new sounds she's learned.

Friday, January 05, 2007

Jingle Bells

Cate played Jingle Bells this year. She made up her own dance moves to go along with the song.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007


I think Cate must have been really good this year because Santa left a lot of presents under the tree for her. One of her favorites is a Dora scooter.

Cate's Christmas program

We had a great holiday season with Cate this year. She was an angel at her day care Christmas program.