Wednesday, March 18, 2009

I'm a bad headline writer.

Probably the hardest part of blogging (for me) is coming up with a good title. I've always been bad a writing headlines. I think it takes some skill to write good headlines. Or maybe that's just what I say to convince myself that it's okay to have so much trouble writing headlines....

If you're ever feeling a little down, how about a little laughing baby?
I think Keaton looks so much like Cate in this photo.
I can tell she's thinking up some mischief here.

One serious ballerina.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Good looking kiddos

I don't have anything that interesting to write about, but I've got cute kid pictures! Cate has been sick all week and I'm hoping she will feel better soon. Other than that, I finally found some time to get a few photos off the camera.

I included a picture of a cake I made for Stephen's mom for her birthday. I think the cake came out pretty well. I've learned a whole lot about multi-tasking in the past two months. You wouldn't believe me if I told you everything I did while I was trying to make this cake. I am a little proud of it, not just because it was the craziest day when I chose to make this cake, but it's one of the most complicated cakes I've tried in quite some time. The recipe is here, if you want to give it a try. It's not an extremely sweet cake, despite the extreme amount of coconut everywhere.