Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The Princess and the Princess

Cate had a chance to play with a good friend from her old day care last weekend. They started day care together as infants and Cate just adores her. As you can see, there was a lot of princess action around our house.

New Year's Day Present

I think the kids got their new year started off right. They had fun playing with their cousin Quentin on New Year's Day. Quentin stayed with Stephen's parents for a few days so we scheduled a "play date" for Cate and Keaton on New Year's Day. There was a lot of running and screaming -- I think that means they had a great time.

We stayed late and put pajamas on the Topeka Martino kids before we got in the car to head home. It is incredibly hard to get a good picture of three children under the age of five. This was my best effort.