Tuesday, March 25, 2008

More Easter Photos

I thought I'd post a few more Easter photos of Cate, in case anyone is interested. We thought she looked pretty cute.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Happy Easter!

In spite of the cool weather, we had a terrific Easter. Cate was so excited to wear her Easter dress (thanks Grandma and Grandpa Martino). She's been asking to wear it nearly every day since it was hung in her closet. We thought she looked pretty adorable. She also had a hat, gloves and purse to match -- she was particularly in love with the purse. She put her gloves inside, along with a picture of herself and makeup brush and carried the whole thing to church.

We had to do our Easter egg hunt inside because it was so chilly, but I think Cate still had a good time. She liked looking for the eggs, but she was really happy to eat the candy inside. Next year, I think we're going to have a non-candy Easter. I had to bring a huge bowl of candy to work today to unload some of it. Unfortunately, I have managed to eat about five pieces all by myself so I think I am defeating the purpose of getting it out of the house.

Stephen took a few photos of me for the baby's memory book.
Yes, I am actually that big. No, we are not having twins. I think I had better cut back on the Easter candy...

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

A fun week

We had a fun week last week and the weekend was nice too. We had several days of good weather, so we went up to the park one evening. Cate loves going to park and now she's asking to go every day! Of course, the weather turned cold again on Saturday and it's been cold or rainy every day since. But as soon as it warms up we are looking forward to getting out and doing some more fun things outside.

Stephen had a press conference this week to announce a new program from his office, the creation of the Kansas Responsible Gaming Alliance. Here are a few links where you can read about it (including video of Stephen in the first link).

Help for those with a gambling problem

Group aims to expand counseling for problem gamblers

Gambling addiction help increases

I took a few new pictures of Cate this weekend and have posted them here in a slideshow. Click on the quotation button in the bottom left corner of the slideshow for captions. I'm still trying to find a place online to post pictures for viewing. I can't seem to find a site that does everything I want...maybe I'm just too picky :)

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Spring is coming!

The weather here in Kansas is finally nice for at least a couple of days! I know spring is on the way, but we've still got a few weeks of unpredictable cold/warm weather to get through before I will officially be happy. Cate is definitely ready to go outside and play. I had grand plans of taking her to the park this Saturday, but that crashed and burned when I saw the weather forecast: 45 for a high, with a light rain and snow mix. Yuck.

On the home front, things are pretty much business as usual. Cate is almost entirely potty trained. I can't believe how easy it went. Either she was just ready to do it or all our preparation paid off. Maybe a combination of both. She is still wearing a pull-up at night but we'll probably try to go without that this weekend. She's had only two or three accidents total, so she's done a great job.

Cate is really into a girly phase right now, which involves wearing dresses and fixing hair. She wants to wear the same two or three dresses to day care every day. They probably think she has a very limited wardrobe. Today, she wore a jean skirt that my parents got for her. It has a cute sweater, but it was little to warm for today so we paired it with a pink shirt. She was pretty excited since she says pink is her favorite color. She also wanted to wear her Elmo barette. She wanted to take her picture and I think she would have posed all morning if I had let her.

We spent a large part of last weekend at home. Cate discovered an Easter bunny that my parents got her in the past and she had a great time playing with it. It plays music and moves. I also got a picture of her sucking her thumb (which she doesn't do a whole lot anymore) and holding on to Bear. This bear is her favorite and I'm not sure what we'll do if something ever happens to it.

At work, both Stephen and I are very busy. Stephen has some travel coming up for work, so we're planning for that. I'm starting to get into "prepare for maternity leave" mode. I'm trying to be as productive as possible so that I won't have to worry about work when I am on maternity leave this summer. With only 2 1/2 months until the baby arrives, I am trying to get things in order sooner rather than later.