Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Cute Dress

I took some photos of Cate this weekend in her cute pink dress. She does well posing for the camera.

The Horn on the Bus

Cate has learned the "Wheels on the Bus" song at day care. She is particularly animated when beeping the horn on the bus. She can't seem to do the beeping without moving around in a circle.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Marathon Pictures

I don't think I'll win any fashionista awards with my look during our run. These are pictures taken as we were running and one of Stephen at the finish line area.

The weather in San Diego in June is pretty good for running. It's usually overcast in the morning, with the sun coming out late morning or early afternoon. That's what happened for the marathon. The sun came out late morning (probably around mile 13 or 14 for us) and it got pretty warm after that. I think it was in the low 80s. The sunscreen we put on early in the morning was long gone by the time we finished, so we both got a little sunburned.

We finished!

We did it. We finished a marathon. It took a long time, but we made it to the finish line. Here is a picture of us with our medals. Yes, they give you a medal no matter how long it takes you to get to the end. As long as you aren't picked up by the bus for stragglers, you get a finisher's medal.

I think I speak for both of us when I tell you we are glad we did it, but we probably won't do it again.

Thursday, June 07, 2007


Cate is learning how to jump. She can get both feet off the ground now, but in this video, she was still practicing.

Cate's Bubble Dance

Cate likes to sing and dance. Here is a short clip of her Bubble Dance.