Thursday, March 01, 2007

It's all about Daddy!

Cate is like a little parrot - she repeats just about everything we say. She is learning new words every day. This week, her best achievement is "Daddy." She has said "Da" for quite some time, but she just started saying "Daddy" this week. She puts emphasis on the second part so it sounds like "DaDEE" and we think it is very cute. I don't think I will ever get tired of hearing her say Mama or Daddy.

We've had a hectic week. Cate has been sick and we kept her home for two days. I don't have any new pictures or video this week because it's all I can do to stay ahead at work and home.

We are doing pretty well with our marathon training. We've made most of our scheduled runs and we are both improving in our time. Neither of us has any goal in mind for completing our marathon in a certain time frame, but it is nice to see the progress each week as we get faster and more fit. Luckily, the weather has improved recently so we've been able to run outside. We got a little snow this morning so I had to run on the treadmill, but it looks like we'll be back up in the 40s by tomorrow. I've always been a big wimp about running the cold, but it's actually growing on me. I've learned how to layer my clothes so I'm not cold. I definitely prefer running outside in the cold to running inside on the treadmill.

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