Thursday, December 13, 2007

The Ice Storm

This week has turned out to be a little out of the ordinary. We got a fair amount of ice in the area on Monday evening/Tuesday. Lots of people are without power. Luckily, we are not among them. We've got a few big limbs down around our house, but we are basically okay. We were cooped up at home on Tuesday and Wednesday. Work and schools were all closed on Tuesday; just schools on Wednesday.

Adding to the mix, I have the cold that just won't quit. I've been battling it for at least two weeks now and it shows no signs of slowing down. The doctor has given me various medications, but I am not sure they are doing much good. The only thing I know for certain is that I am tired of coughing. Lots of coughing with this cold.

The good news is that we had a prenatal check-up this week and everything seems fine with the baby so far. We are scheduled for a sonogram on January 9. I am counting the days. I am excited to meet our baby for the first time. I remember when we saw Cate, she was trying to suck her thumb but she kept missing her mouth and hitting herself in the head. It was pretty cool. I have a feeling this baby is a boy, but I'm still excited for the sonogram so we can verify that everything looks good health-wise for the baby.

I decided to post another Halloween picture of Cate since I don't have any new photos. This is Cate giving her best witch impersonation.

Her Christmas program got postponed this week, but I should have some wonderful new pics after her program this Monday, the 17th.

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