Monday, December 22, 2008

Dear Santa

This is a true story.

Cate (spoken really fast and in a semi-quiet whisper): Mommy, did you know that Santa is going to come while we're sleeping and leave presents for us? Then, we'll wake up and open them!

Mommy: Really? That sounds exciting. What would you like for Santa to bring you?

Cate: All I want in my heart is a Princess calendar.

Mommy (in her head): How is it possible that a three-year-old remembers a calendar she glimpsed one time at the mall about three weeks ago? Better make an emergency trip to the mall to buy said calendar in case she remembers this on Christmas day.
Who would deny their girl the only thing she wants in her heart?


PDMartin said...

Two comments: (1) I'll tell Harper that "princess calendars" exist -- next year; (2) Steve is really getting good at writing these posts as if he's Beth. We see through you "Beth."

Beth Martino said...

Once you start down the princess path, it's hard to turn back.

We like to have both names on our posts just to keep everyone guessing.