Monday, October 20, 2008

They say the cutest things....

I just got home from a weekend in Indianapolis. Stephen spent Friday evening, all day Saturday and most of the day Sunday taking care of Cate and Keaton. I think everyone missed me. It's nice to be needed :)

Cate seemed very excited to see me when I got home. She was a very good helper all evening, even offering to make me a chocolate surprise in her kitchen.

As I was trying to put her in bed, she asked to go to the bathroom (her second or third stalling tactic during the bedtime routine last night). I was beginning to get aggravated with her so I told her in stern voice that she could go potty (her second trip in about 30 minutes), but then she had to get in bed RIGHT AWAY and I added that she wasn't being a good listener and doing things quickly so we can get in bed on time. Her latest trick when I scold her is to say, in a somewhat bossy voice, "I love you mommy." She puts a lot of emphasis on the "love you" part, so it's almost like she's yelling at me, but she's yelling she loves me. You kind of have to hear it to understand why it's so funny.

So, last night, we were walking into her bathroom when she said in her most authoritative voice, "I love you mommy, but you've got to start listening to me."

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