Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Halloween....Part I

I'm sure there will be more Halloween stories in the next few days, but we began the weeklong celebration this weekend and I've already got a few photos. Cate is into Disney princesses, as are most young girls I know. She decided months ago that she wanted to be a princess for Halloween. I took her to pick out a costume several weeks ago. She was very decisive and immediately went for the pink Sleeping Beauty dress. I completed her ensemble by finding a crown and wand.

Last Friday evening, the kids' day care had a "fall festival." I guess this is the new thing to do because I hear that they do it at a lot of day cares, schools, etc. They are still having their Halloween party this Friday as well, so I'm not sure why our particular day care added the festival. But anyway.....most parents sent costumes with the kids on Friday morning. I planned to leave work a little early so I could go get Cate dressed. When I arrived, her teacher told me that Cate was worried all day. She had been saying she needed to go home to get her costume. I have rarely seen her so excited as when I got her dress out and helped her put it on.

She immediately took the wand, pointed it at one of her classmates and said something like "lumpkin bumpkin, I turn you into a pumpkin." The entire room laughed and from then on, she wouldn't stop turning people into pumpkins. Unfortunately, the "spell" was typically accompanied by a sharp wack with the wand. Note to mom: never buy costume accessories that can double as weapons.

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