Thursday, September 04, 2008

Second baby

I've always heard that the second child in a family has issues because there are never as many photos, baby books are only half completed (if that) and the attention always has to be shared. While there's not much I can do about sharing the attention, I vowed that Keaton would have a baby book that is just as complete as Cate and that I would ensure everyone got equal treatment in other ways. Now I've figured out why the second kid always feels shortchanged....there just isn't enough time to handle a full-time job, two children, grocery shopping, car repairs, church, volunteer activities and more. Photos, baby books and other non-essential stuff have gone by the wayside. We're doing well to get out of the house every day with everyone in clean clothes, hair combed and full bellies.

I'm trying to do better. Poor Keaton. There are about a quarter as many photos of him as of Cate. I think I documented her birth, her first blink, every spot of drool and anything else I thought was cute. With him, the camera has laid unused for weeks at a time. I love taking photos, but there just hasn't been a lot of time for it.

This week, I got a few snapshots of him. I made the time for it because he is growing so fast that it seems like he will be a toddler tomorrow. He's a really good baby -- sleeping well, charming the ladies at work, snuggling with mom anytime he can.

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