Sunday, October 11, 2009

Fall News

Stephen and I have been trying to get a few more things squeezed in before the end of the year and we recently discovered that we have very little free time from now until the end of December. I'm not sure how we got so booked up, but we won't be sitting around, twiddling our thumbs much over the next couple months.

Enough about the future...let's look back! The last part of September, we spent one evening at the zoo for our local Parents as Teachers zoo night. The kids had fun doing all the activities. Keaton particularly one that involved some kind of paint that dries exactly like chalk. He was pretty much covered in paint when we left, including some in his hair.

Cate has started her dance class for this year. She's taking ballet and tap. We are really glad we got a Monday evening class. Last year we had class on Saturdays and that kind of crimped our weekend plans. She is loving her class and gets excited every week to go.

One night, Stephen took Cate to dance and I hung out with Keaton. I got a few cute video clips of Keaton talking in the bath. I will post those later this week.

We've been doing all sorts of fun things lately, plus Stephen and I have quite a bit going on at work and with our various other activities. I accepted a position on our local zoo board and that's been fun. Stephen has had some travel for work and we've got a trip coming up together.

Right now, I'm starting to get excited for the holiday season. Before all that, we have Halloween! Cate has already decided she will be Belle (from Beauty and the Beast) and I think Keaton is going to be a frog. They will be the princess and the frog :)

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