Wednesday, February 20, 2008

A Couple More Things

I forgot to add a few important items to my update yesterday. First off, we've rescheduled Cate's surgery for tomorrow (Thursday, February 21). She will get a new set of ear tubes and she is having her adenoids removed. Both are fairly minor procedures, but they do require general anesthesia. I think it takes a few minutes (at least) off my life every time she has to go under a general. I am sure she will be just fine, but keep us in your thoughts tomorrow. She is scheduled for surgery at 8:30, she'll go to recovery for a little while, then we'll be in the pediatric unit for a bit while they monitor to make sure there aren't any complications. I am hoping we'll be home around or just after lunch time.

The other big news we have is that we have officially begun working with Cate on potty training. I never imagined that I would be so interested in this particular subject.....but when you have kids, it kind of becomes the center of your world for a certain amount of time. Stephen and I went out for dinner on Sunday evening and it was a central point of conversation. We really need to find some other hobbies, right? :) Anyway, Cate is doing so well, we are really proud of her. We bought her a potty chair a long time ago and we've let her sit on it whenever she likes. I checked out some books at the library to read up on the subject and I checked out some books for Cate as well. I also got her the infamous "Elmo Potty" DVD and she has watched in at least 1000 times. Finally, she started asking if she could wear "underpants" and we figured it was time to really get going with this. I took her to the store and let her pick out her very own pair -- of course, she chose Elmo. She was so excited to wear them last weekend. I was a little apprehensive. But she went the whole weekend with only two accidents. Then, on Monday and Tuesday at day care, she didn't have one single accident. We may have some backsliding at some point, but for now, she is really doing a great job. Several times, she has said to us "Mommy and Daddy so proud of me." That just about breaks my heart. We are, obviously, extremely proud of her all the time.

Finally, I thought I'd draw your attention to my latest attempt to let people sign up for updates to this blog. I got rid of the old FeedBlitz email updates on the right-hand side of the blog and now I have added a feature so you can get updates through RSS. If you don't know how to do this, it's pretty simple. If you have a Google or Yahoo account (I know most people do now), you can "subscribe" to blogs and get the updates sent to your Google or Yahoo home page. Just click on the logo I've added to the right-hand side of the page and you can follow the instructions. It works with quite a few feed readers, so if you are using something else, there should be instructions there for you.

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