Thursday, January 03, 2008

Christmas 2007

Christmas was definitely memorable this year. Cate had wonderful time with family and opening gifts. Stephen and I got her a kitchen set, which we set up in the living room for her to find on Christmas Eve morning. She loves it and has been playing with it nonstop at home. We also got her some books, a Cabbage Patch baby and a few new clothing items. She got many wonderful gifts from Mimi and PopPop (Stephen's parents) and from her cousin Quentin and aunt KB. She has been having a great time playing with all her new toys and reading her new books.

I spent the entire holiday season sick. And I'm still sick. I'm currently on week six or seven (I've lost count) of a horrible sinus/cold thing. I am beginning to think that I won't get better until the baby is born. I've exhausted most of the medicinal remedies available to a pregnant person. To whine just a bit more, I've got either a broken rib or a severely pulled muscle in my side from all the coughing. My nose is either running or completely stuffy all the time. In addition to several other pregnancy-related ailments, I have not been in very good shape for this holiday. I'm sure I'll always remember this Christmas, but I am really looking forward to getting past all this.

Cate went to the ear, nose and throat doctor yesterday for a regular check-up. She had tubes put in her ears when she was just over a year old. At the check-up, she failed her hearing test and they said she needs new tubes as well as her adenoids removed. We'll be going in for that minor surgery on January 22. Needless to say, Stephen and I were shocked that she failed the hearing test and we're a bit worried about doing general anethesia for this surgery. But it sounds like it's something she needs, so we'll be doing it.

I have spent just a bit of time playing around with Flickr, so here is a link to a slideshow of pictures from Christmas. If you move your mouse to the middle of the page, an "i" comes up and you can click for my creative photo captions.

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