Friday, April 03, 2009

Standing on my own two feet

At less than 10 months old, Keaton started pulling himself a couple of weeks ago. He's cruising around a little so it's probably only a matter of weeks before the walking begins in earnest. I don't want to seem less than enthusiastic, but I can already tell he's going to be a handful! He loves to get into everything from dog water bowls to trash cans. Cate was never all that interested in things -- she just wanted a person to play with her. Keaton, on the other hand, seems drawn to anything he shouldn't play with. He loves electrical outlets and plastic sacks. If he isn't crawling at lightning speed toward the dog's bowls, he's ripping up newspaper or magazines and trying to eat them.

But it's all still fun! He's got the sweetest personality and he's always laughing. He loves watching Cate. I think he wonders what she's going to do next. And so do I.

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